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Lash Aftercare

Were revolutionizing branded aftercare!  Take your artistry and business to the next level by carrying your own all natural and vegan lash cleansers. 


Our gentle, natural, and vegan lash aftercare products keep lash extensions clean and lasting longer. Our lash cleaners nourish the lashes to make them look longer and thicker while acting as a antibacterial.  Safe and effective way to remove eye makeup while moisturizing and nourishing the lashes.  Effectively removes oil and dirt build-up on lashes, lid margins, and under-eye area.


The best part is we offer free branding on all of our aftercare products.  Our brand is your brand!


Our products are great to use in your spa, clinic, or parlour.  Can be given to clients as part of their aftercare kits, promotional ventures and ideal for resale opportunity with your personal branding on them.

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